Friday, October 10, 2008

Let Us Diss Your Myspace Page

Let Gen-Y Rock Stars Dissect Your Social Music PromotionHey Gen-Y Rock Stars. We are launching a new service to get you the feedback you need and the ability to learn form the feedback of others. It will also allow us to test what is working and see how bands are using different strategies.

So what are we doing?
Send us 1 profile page. It can be your page on Myspace, Virb, Facebook, Bebo, YouTube, iMeem or any other music service there is. We will then head on over, take a peek and give some advice on the good, the bad and the ugly.

It's a pretty simple concept, but we want to see what is out there and help other bands see what is working on these networks and social media sites as it relates to:

  • Social music promotion
  • Music discovery
  • Conversation
  • Networking
  • Performance
  • Plays
  • Streams
  • Downloads
  • Conversions and more!
How do I get down?
Send us your link to your page and a few sentences on what you have accomplished and what you want to accomplish on that site. Send that to Every week on Gen-Y Rock Stars we will feature one of these sites and share our feedback. The community will also have the opportunity to do the same.

Then what?
Hopefully you take the constructive criticism and apply it to your online and social music promotion. We will try and stay in touch and see how it has affected your results on those sites.

That's it! Start sending us your stuff today.
