Friday, October 10, 2008

Coming Clean and Transparency

Today I posted a Tweet to the post I wrote last night on 5 Sites for Social Music Promotion. I got a reply thread from Justin Boland, the DIY hip-hop master, author of Audible Hype and founder of World Around Records that went down like this:

I am a firm believer in transparency, just like Social Media Superstar Chris Brogan, so I want to lay it out there. I am creating a social media music promotion course. It is one that I have been working on for a few weeks and probably won't finish until the 1st of the year. It's also a course that I am going to be selling. Yes, marketers need to eat too, and I am working really hard to make the course really useful and informational.

I am putting all of my Internet Marketing knowledge into building this site, including keyword research, PPC, link building, list building, social media tactics and the power of the network I am building. So yes, I am trying to pay my bills off what I have to offer.

With that said, I do have a few more disclaimers. I run a Social Media Agency, Endagon Innovations, where I work with clients all over the board as well as musicians. They are the reason I continue to learn, continue to test and continue to find new ways to reach people that want to hear from you. Nothing on this site reflects the values and thoughts of Endagon Innovations and that of our clients.

There, wanted to come clean and be completely transparent. In the mean time, the blog posts are completely free, as is my first guide that is coming out on Monday. There will be a forum too that will be free to registered users who will be test artists for some tactics.

Here's to becoming a Gen-Y Rock Star and continuing the dreams of being a full time musician!

(btw, Audible Hype is a part of the 100 Resources List, so add that to your RSS Reader as well!)

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