Monday, December 1, 2008

Twitter Leak Generates 14,000 Downloads

How would you like 14,000 downloads? Over the weekend Moe Arora, a music industry tastemaker, leaked a Lil Wayne and Mack Maine track, "Throw It Back," over the microblogging service. He also used another upcoming social music property to host the download - Soundcloud.

Here is the Tweet:

Here is the buzz from Twitter Search:

Great job Moe. He is going to be writing a more in depth analysis, but I wanted to get on here and note that if you create a great community, have genuine conversations and then create amazing content, it is not that hard to have your friends help you out. Just note that you need all 3!

(Update) Here is Moe's recap post. (Update)

-Greg Rollett

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